If you are gazing at your retirement with no idea what to do, then investing in real estate for retirement is your answer.
Women all over the country are coming to terms with the importance of owning real estate, but I had a chance to sit and talk with one such woman. Rita is a wealth of information and you are not going to want to miss the brilliance and insight she brings to our conversation.
Why Investing in Real Estate for Retirement is the BEST Choice to Make
If there is one thing you need to take away from my talk with Rita it is that investing in real estate for retirement is the best decision you can make for your family! She knew that Uncle Sam was not going to even come close to giving her the financial support she needed with her Social Security. She is only going to get about $2000 a month! So, she decided to take matters into her own hands.
In just 11 short months, after diligent study and investing in her knowledge, Rita was the proud owner of 21 rental properties that bring in monthly passive income for life! That is a hustle worth screaming about! Yes, she came into the “game” late, but even with that late entrance, investing in real estate for retirement has now provided her a solid financial footing.
And Rita is like most of us. She wants to leave a financial legacy for her kids and grandkids. She wants to make sure that there is money coming in for her loved ones long after she passes from this earth. That is incredible and exactly what so many of us want as well.
Now, Rita invests a bit differently than I do. For one, she did not do a single lease option for any of those investment properties. And you know what? That is just FINE. She still made the decision to jump into investing in real estate for retirement.
She took action and she found a path that was a good fit for her.
In addition, she also invests in Section 8 housing. Although she knows a lot of people (myself included…but I’m learning better now!) have a stereotyped idea about the program that the people who use it are bad tenants. Most people think that if they invest in the program that their properties will just get ruined. But, she has found that it is the opposite.
She does a great job explaining that these women are often single moms who want to provide a safe and affordable roof over their kids’ heads. The program also is set up that if a tenant ever does damage to a property then they will lose their ability to use the program forever. That is a HUGE deterrent for tenants to ever destroy your property.
These moms will take care of the properties and show great pride in their homes, because they know what a blessing the program is for their lives.
Rita saw the writing on the wall and decided to go all in with real estate.
Even as a nurse, Rita knew that her income was not quite enough to help carry her through her golden years. She worked a side job to help save even more money, which ended up helping her to secure her 21 properties later on. But, I love this very specific thing that she said.

Too many people are not investing in their future but instead giving up decades of life to some job that will not be able to provide for them later in life. Here’s the gold:
“We’ve settled for a good life instead of working hard for a great life.”
That is NOT what I want for you. Don’t be one of those people who settle for a good life in place of a great life.
Just two years of solid investing practice will be able to provide for your retirement needs!
I have shown this time and time again, but with myself and dozens of ladies in our FDDF Plus group. This is the real deal, ladies.
So, if you are serious about investing in real estate for retirement, there is no time like the present. Sure, you could have invested years ago and it probably would have been better, but, as Rita says, “The next best time is now!”
The time is NOW, so make the decision to get serious about your future and your legacy. Passive income does not have to be a pipe dream. It is a reality for a TON of people (I can’t even give a number, but I know it is so high!).
You really can do this, but you have to lean in and get to it like Rita. The only thing holding you back is yourself, so get out of your own way and get to work.
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