If you know anything about real estate investing, you know how important it is to have effective marketing strategies. Leads are the lifeline to success in investing, so this is not an area you can afford to ignore. However, it is also not as complicated as it may seem.
If you are an investor who needs to find creative marketing strategies to keep your pipeline full and flowing, then this is the post for you.
3 Cheap and Effective Marketing Strategies for New Real Estate Investors
Before we get started, I want to make a few things crystal clear. First, real estate does NOT have to be complicated. Investors and real estate agents have a bad habit of making this way more difficult than it needs to be. But, it is really simple: someone wants to sell a house and someone wants to buy a house. Everything else is just detail. Keep it simple.
Second, you do not need to feel like a sleazy, dirty salesman (or saleswoman) in order to be a good investor. This is why I teach my extremely successful marketing strategies that keep things light and fun without all the manipulation, tactics, and yuck. You’re better than all that.
And finally, these marketing strategies work in almost every market. The almost is entirely dependent on you and your beliefs about the strategies. Whatever you believe is what will be true for you and your experience. Your success is always up to you.

Now, you don’t have to do things my way. I have learned these marketing strategies the hard way so that you can skip all of that. If you don’t like the easy way, though, you can feel free to take the hard way. It is always available. You can go to and pay for real estate school and the weekend boot camps.
Also, you can pay for expensive marketing materials, mistakes, and plenty of missed opportunities. However, who would actually choose to do all of this when there is a way easier way? So, avoid all of this stuff and pay attention.
Ready? Ok, let’s begin.
#1 Facebook is the PERFECT PLACE to Spread the Word…
Facebook is an incredibly effective, FREE way to get in front of people. Your friends and family are on there, but also your potential sellers! Don’t ever assume you know what is going on in other people’s lives. You never know who has a house that they are ready to sell or where your next lead might come from. It is the most effective of my marketing strategies since it is easy to plant seeds and water them with each day’s posts.
Let’s be honest, people are on Facebook because we are nosy. People want to know what’s going on without needing to be completely invested in someone’s life. So, when you use this tool the right way, you can boost your leads in just 24 hours!
Write posts with a purpose, get people involved in what you are doing, and you will peak their interest and start the dialogue.
Share what you are doing while you do it with simple snapshots and visuals. I take pictures of the rooms I am working on and ask for people’s opinions on what paint color I should get. Or ask what kind of changes they would make in a house. This kind of involvement brings people along for the ride with you, which is right where they want to be.
#2 Turn One Little Letter into GOLD
Remember how I included “expensive marketing materials” in my “hard way” list a bit ago? Well, here is one of my SUPER CHEAP marketing strategies that gets me calls back left and right. I call it “the yellow letter.” All I do is get one of the long yellow pads of paper and write down a handwritten note for the owner of any property I have interest in. It will say something super simple, like “Hi! My name is Whitney Nicely. I would like to buy your house at ______. Please call me if you are interested in getting rid of it quickly. Thank you! Whitney (123-456-7899).”
I know this might look too easy, but what I love about the yellow letter is that it removes the sense of superiority that some people get with the formal letters. It keeps things light and nonchalant, and lets the owner know you are just another person.
Then, there is no threat and you can just be two people talking together about some possibilities. Owners don’t like to feel threatened or talked down to. They just want to be treated like a person. The yellow letter helps me to communicate that I am simply a person, just like them, and it always gets a great response!
#3 Remind Your People that You are a Serious Investor
Let’s get down and dirty here: the fact is that there is a constant stream of people who talk about things that they don’t end up doing. In our social media world, people want to be confident that you are going to do what you say before they promote you to everyone they know. Yes, it can be a frustrating thing to have this expectation to prove yourself in order to get started, but I have a solution around that.
This is one of the simplest marketing strategies I teach and it is simply a button. Yes, I mean that: a button. I wear a simple yellow button that says “I buy houses” and it helps to constantly reinforce that I am a serious investor. It shows my friends, family members, and the random people I meet around town that I am confident about this plan and ready to rock!
Remember the old adage that it takes 7 touches before someone can remember your name, what you do, and recommend you to someone else? Well, this little button helps to create those touches as it draws the eyed and catches attention without you needing to say a word.
The yellow button is a super simple and effective way to market yourself quietly and directly. Don’t leave home without it.
Are Your Marketing Strategies Working for You?
How are your current marketing strategies working out? Do you have a great solution to keep your pipeline full and growing? If not, then make sure you add in a few of these simple ways to boost your leads. They are awesome, and time and time again I have seen their effectiveness in my students who learn about them in FDDF and use them in their businesses. It is never too late to add new strategies.
Also, make sure you connect with our free FB community where you can connect with other awesome ladies who are serious about real estate investing. You will find great stories and perspectives on these and other marketing strategies to help boost your success as an investor. Whatever your struggle, you are not alone, so don’t go it alone! Join the community and connect with other awesome ladies to keep your momentum going.
Thank you!
Hello Whitney nicely I just want to say Im not afraid I just want to have the things that I always dreamed about. Im not afraid of anything Im confidence in whatever I do. I just recently started a project and Im looking for more work. If know anyone who needs home improvements. 5409705334