So many of us want a better financial situation, but be careful who you choose to be a real estate advisor for you. All too often people take advice from all the wrong people instead of the right ones. But, you don’t have to make the same mistake.
Who Should NOT Be Your Real Estate Advisor?
Not long ago I was talking with a woman who wanted to join FDDF Plus. While we talked she shared with me several of her financial goals. She is working for her family business, her dad has a rental portfolio, but she also wants to make her own money and maybe build one of her own businesses.
This lady was me. I knew all too well exactly what she was talking about, because that was exactly my life growing up. My family had a family-owned business and had rental properties. And I absolutely wanted to do my own things!
Well, while we talked I asked her what was going to stop her from doing the real estate deals with the Plus ladies. She said, “Well, they say I need a year’s worth of expenses in my bank account before I can start a rental portfolio.” And, I was like “who is they?”
“My financial planner…my family’s financial planner told me that.”
And, I was like HOLD UP A MINUTE. “No, girl! I was FLAT broke when I started and even had to up the limit on my credit card to even get started! And I was able to do a deal with $10 and then make $15,000 in 8 weeks!”
This lady said that they said she needed $15,000 as a cushion and another $15,000 for life, which is $30,000-$35,000! Her financial planner said that this was what she needed before she got into real estate investing.
What do you think? Is that a good real estate advisor for this woman?
NOT AT ALL. I asked her how long it would take her to save that money and the basic reality was it would likely take her the better part of a few decades! What a waste!
Do you have another 30+ years before you actually get started?
So, I told her that she definitely did NOT need $35k in her bank account to get started. And I wanted her to just flip a house! Since FDDF is how she can learn she could put it on the credit card right now, get moving, and I’ll show her how I made $15,000 out of $10 in 8 weeks.
“What would your life look like if you had $15,000? I mean, you’d just keep going and going and going. Those deals would just keep pumping you up and moving along! You’d actually have all of that money and more that your financial advisor is telling you to wait to get.”
What kind of a real estate advisor is that? Yet, all too often it is exactly the kind of advice we hear.
Wait. Get ready. Save more. Have it in the bank. And all that it does is keep you stuck and broke.
I’m sick of it. You do NOT need to be stuck and broke anymore, but you can’t just sit on the sidelines and expect things to change.
Look, I’m not the kind of woman who is just going to tell you it’s all okay and don’t worry about it. I tell it like it is.
I get it, really I do. Of course the financial planner means well, but they are still wrong. You cannot wait until you are near death to do this. What are you waiting for? Do you really think the world is going to get better and your finances are just going to get better? Now is the time to get into this and take action while you are still healthy and able.
My heart is just pounding here. You have to understand that you don’t take advice from someone who does not have what you want.
I asked this woman, “Does your financial planner have a real estate portfolio like you want?” and she said, “No, probably not.”
“Then why are you taking advice from him?! Hello!”
And that was when the light bulb went on. She was like, “you are SO right! I shouldn’t take advice from someone who is not living the way I want to live.”

Look y’all, I can’t teach you how to invest in stocks and make money that way. That’s not my knowledge. But, I can teach you how to do lease options, creative financing, and make some serious money.
My goal is to help you do one deal a month for the next two years! That will get you the passive income that will give you the options you want. I KNOW I can help you do 24 deals in the next 2 years so you can live your best life.
Why do you go to these people as a real estate advisor?! It does not make any sense.
You want real estate advice? Find the people who have it and have done it the way you want to do it!
That’s how this works, y’all.
And, I’m throwing in my hat to teach you because I’m a lady and we ladies speak the same language.
Honestly, I don’t speak guy. And I don’t always like to learn from a dude either. So, if you want to learn from a dude, I’m not your gal, but if you want to be challenged woman to woman I’m there!
Listen ladies, I am here to light a fire under your butt because I KNOW what you are capable of! You have forgotten or never even experienced it. I KNOW you can do this, because I did it and I’ve helped so many others to do it, too.
You don’t need permission to do this! Your financial planner is not your real estate advisor and definitely cannot help you invest in real estate.
I am SO over listening to ladies whine and complain about “I don’t know how to get started” blah blah blah. Do you know how long First Deal Done Fast has been available? Four years y’all!
For four years I have basically given the thing away with SUCH gold and WAY more than the guys do and still ladies whine and complain.
Well, I’m over it. You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make them drink. Love you, but you’re being a horse.
And you’re better than that!!!! Whining and complaining is not going to change ANYTHING about your life. There is not a magic money machine that will poof into your life to change things. You actually need to take a risk and a chance and ACTION.
Talk will not get you far in life. Whining and complaining will get you nowhere. So, what are you going to DO? What actions will you take if you seriously want things to change?
If nothing, see ya. I’m done with listening to the whining and complaining with no backbone to step out and make changes. Lip service is not my thing.
The guys don’t lower themselves to teach people, but for whatever reason we ladies just don’t hold that boundary. We lower ourselves and each other, though, when we think and act small.
Well, I believe in you and that you are NOT small. So, it is my job to lead the way. And that starts with my prices being paired with the right intention. We are all worth our pay.
There’s no whining allowed here. Get in or go. Because I can’t help you otherwise. I am not a therapist or a counselor or whatever else except for a kickass investor who can teach you how to do what I do.
If you want to go to a financial planner for your real estate advisor, go for it, but don’t come crying to me about your financial picture. I can’t help you.
But, if you seriously want to learn how to do this, the door is WIDE open. Come on in, the water is fine.
I’ve done it and am doing it. Other ladies have done and are doing it. What in the world makes you think that you can’t? That something is so wrong with you that this will work for others but not you?
You gotta think about that, because until you are ready to lean into that crap, kick it away, and get to work, you are stuck. So, let me be your real estate advisor for a moment: YOU CAN INVEST IN REAL ESTATE NOW!!!!
You do NOT need $35k to get started or a year’s worth of expenses. How does $10 sound?! Because that’s what I will teach you…if you are willing to believe enough to take action.
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