The story of Hannah in the bible is all about the blessing of waiting joyfully, so let her story encourage you as you grow your real estate business! Now, we all know a ton about a bunch of guys from the bible, but we know about only a handful of women. And Hannah is a great one to consider, especially for us ladies who are waiting for God to come through with His promise.
Wait Joyfully like Hannah for Your Real Estate Success
If you are not familiar with the story, Hannah was a second wife in her marital situation and I get the feeling that she was kind of a “second place” second wife. The first wife had no problem having children and was seen as greatly blessed. But Hannah? Nope. No babies. She had major issues getting pregnant and regularly cried out to the Lord to fill her womb.
Now, you may not know this but I can 100% relate to this story. I am my husband’s second wife, too. And his first wife had no problem getting pregnant and having babies. Me? Barren. So far that is the situation.
I know how much crying out to the Lord Hannah did because it is my reality, too.
But you know, I got to thinking that this story is not only about having babies. It really relates to so many other situations that we ladies experience. I mean, it would be so easy for Hannah to say, “You know, God, his first wife got everything and I get nothing. She was given all of the blessing, and I am just nothing.”
It would also be easy for “Hannah” so say, “Oh my gosh, everybody else is getting these deals…everybody else is making tons of money. Everybody else has the relationships that they want. They have full bank accounts and know what they are doing. All of these other ladies are just amazing and wonderful and I am just over here…waiting.”
Sound familiar?
Here’s the thing, the key in Hannah’s story is that she is waiting joyfully.
She keeps a great attitude, continues to believe it will happen, and takes action as she waits. Her prayers do not end, but neither does her action!
And I wonder if that is your real estate investing story. Maybe this is what you are experiencing. You are sending out yellow letters and sellers call but things just aren’t ready yet. So, you are waiting.
You are wearing your button that says “I buy houses” but still the sellers are not coming through. Maybe you are doing your part to tell people what you do and yet you might still be waiting for those closes and sellers who are ready to buy the houses you have.
The same happens with me! I get out there wearing my shirt and yet I still am waiting on a closing and waiting on a seller to get back to me. It is part of the journey, y’all. But I am still out here believing that it is going to happen!
I am out here knowing that this blessing is on it’s way. And waiting is NOT fun. It is the hardest part of a blessing.
There is nothing quite so difficult to face as when we take action but do not get the results we want to see. But, the blessing is on the other side of the wait.
It is hard, y’all. The waiting is the hardest part.
You’ve gotten your license, listed your houses, KNOW you are supposed to be a landlord, but you are still waiting.
So, wait joyfully in the process. Hold tightly to the faith that the gift will follow. I know how hard it is, but don’t ever lose hope for God to come through for the thing that is laid on your heart.
You know recently I had this property that I was waiting joyfully for some issues with the close to get handled. I was waiting on the seller to stop being ridiculous, the lawyers to respond to me, and just the whole thing to come through.
But, I knew it in my soul that this was my house. There was no confusion in me that things would eventually come right.
So, one Saturday as I continued to wait joyfully, I took a nap; a really long one. And, when I woke up I had this total peace. Clear as can be God said, “Your wait is over. That is your house, don’t even worry about it. I am taking care of it.”

I was so ready for that answer to come through! And it would have been easy for me to try to beat the seller with my smarts to make this deal move, but I didn’t. I left it to God and did my part as I waited. By Monday morning I had a letter from the lawyer that said that the seller had agreed and we were going to close. YES!
Just like that the wait will be over. But until that time, wait joyfully for God to come through, because He will.
Hannah committed herself to steady prayer and went to God to answer this desire of her heart. She did her part in the request, but went directly to the real one who gives the answer. But, you know that when she received that answer she leapt for joy!
And that’s what I want to see for you. I know the waiting stinks, but it is worth it for the blessing on the other side. Stay positive and persistent, and think about Hannah as you wait joyfully for that amazing day when the wait is over!
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