Are you busy running your real estate investing company, but feel like you are in a losing battle of nerves? I know exactly what that feels like because it has been my story all of 2019. But, I have learned so much in the struggle, as usual, and now get to share those lessons with you.

Before You Lose Your Mind Managing Your Real Estate Investing Company, Do This…
While 2019 should have been one of the best years in my business, it actually turned out to be one of the most difficult. In the very beginning of the year, my right-hand lady, who helped me with so much of my business quit very suddenly. I was thrown for a complete loop. Not only was her leaving very unexpected, but I had no one else to step in to fill her shoes.
I thought, “no biggie. I will just do the things she was doing and everything will be okay.” But, here’s the problem: I hated it.
There was nothing about doing that kind of work that was joyful or lifegiving for me. And it did not take long for me to feel incredibly burnt out from it.
I tried bringing on other people to fill her shoes. No one seemed to be able to follow through with the promises or expectations we agreed to, though. The more and more things struggled, the more heavy and weighted I felt.
Finally, I hit my knees…hard.
I prayed for God to help me with this enormous problem in my business. My prayer was for Him to take the reigns and the wheel from me. I knew I was trying to do everything in my own power, and I was dying from it.
The next month was the best month ever! I finally started to feel more balanced. Then, I found some help to take on some of the work I hated doing. But, I soon made the mistake of starting yet another business right when I was starting to feel grounded again.

(Anyone else know what that’s like? You just begin to get your footing and you bite off yet another piece of life too big to chew? I truly have a bad habit of doing this….)
So, once again, I was slammed emotionally. Again, I prayed for God to help me to find the help I needed to make it all come together.
I am happy to say that finally, after months of painful searching and praying, I have found a company that can match me with the help I need to do the things in my business that need to get done. And, I feel SO light and lifted now.
And, that’s really the cusp of the problem. We strong businesswomen tend to take on too much too fast and then get burnt out. It is SO important to know when you have hit your limit. Don’t be afraid to look for help to get done all the things. Even more important, though, is knowing what things really DO need to get done, which can be set aside for a time, and which ones are absolutely not needed.
Don’t let your business run you. You have to manage it. That means paying attention to how you are navigating what is on your plate and determining how to hand off and delegate what you can.
There is no shame in getting help with your business.
In fact, it is incredibly wise to know when to get help and when to really dig in and persevere. The reality is that it is better to get some help before you crash and burn than it is to push and push until you lie in an emotional heap on the floor and give up on your dreams.
You are worth it, and your dreams are definitely worth pursuing. So, learn from my mistakes and be willing to do the hard work to find help as you need it in order to continue to move forward with your dreams and financial goals.
You got this!
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