I have never met someone who is not looking to make some extra money. But it takes some extra special devotion to build a real estate income. How badly do you want this? Are you ready to press against your fears and dig into discomfort? Because that is what it is going to take.
Stop Getting in Your Own Way and Build Your Real Estate Income!
Here’s the deal: if you want to make real estate income, you need to get out there and find those deals. You need to make verbal offers and get deals moving.
Yes, it is that simple.
The problem is that SOOOOOO many women are completely terrified about messing up! They are crippled with fear about a TON of things: “what if I mess up the numbers? What if I say something wrong? What if I make a fool of myself?! What if…what iiiiffff?!?!”
First, CHILL. Second, ladies, listen; a verbal offer is non-binding. Let me say it again: a verbal offer is not something that someone can legally hold you to.
Give yourself a break. A verbal offer is like the start of a tennis match where you toss ball in and the game begins. It is a starting point to get the ball rolling. That is it!
You can make a verbal offer ANYWHERE. At the movies. In line at the grocery store. Wherever!
And if you are serious about making a real estate income, you need to have lots of verbal offers flowing out of your mouth all of the time.
But, this trips up so many ladies. “I need to have all my math, or all my money…I need to have all my numbers worked out. I need to have…I need to have…I need to have….”
You know what you need to have? You need to have some houses under contract.

That is how we make the real estate income. We don’t do it by keeping our mouths shut, or whatever else.
Y’all I don’t sell houses. I might be a real estate agent, but I look for passive income opportunities. I look for financial freedom, generational wealth, and all of the other ways to make money in real estate that don’t involve a license.
My mama taught me that “sell” is a bad word in real estate.
I don’t sell houses because you can only sell it once, but you can rent it every single month….
And that is what I want for you! I want you to get that real estate income beyond anything you can even imagine! But you cannot get there if you won’t open your mouth and make those verbal offers.

Look, everything in life worth doing requires risk, trips, stumbles, and falls. That is how we learn to walk. Just think of a little baby. Do they just give up when they start walking because they fell down once? NO! That little baby gets back up and does it again, and again, and again.
You are just a baby in this game! And that’s okay! So, when you make an offer and it falls through, get back up and go again!
The more you talk and negotiate, the more you will see how good you are at it! I am telling you, women make the BEST real estate investors. We just have such a sense about this stuff, since we are natural negotiators. Y’all, I’ve had my daddy around my pinky since I was born…and don’t even get me started on my husband.
It is all about making an offer and doing a counter offer. Then, making an offer and simplifying the offer, and finding out more information and then making a more complicated offer.
This is why you need to practice. Maybe you are not ready to practice this with houses, but you can try it anywhere. Try the grocery store? “Hi, I am going to buy this bunch of bananas, but can I get a discount?” Or, maybe Starbucks: “I’d like a coffee, but can I get a free cookie, too?”
What’s the worst that can happen? They will say “no,” that’s all.
This is a lesson that you need to GET, because this is how we get deals done! We make verbal offers and work the deal until it is signed and closed. If you are committed to building your real estate income, then get comfortable with verbal offers.
Now, keep in mind, once the deal is on paper and we have moved to that next step, we are responsible for following through. But, if something does not work out based on an inspection or appreciation, etc, you can renegotiate. Keep the deal moving to make it work.
But, it starts with the verbal offer. Don’t get in the way of an AMAZING real estate income by staying silent.
I am literally here to help you become the Proverbs 31 woman that you have always dreamed of being. Those verbal offers are for you! They are there for you to build that real estate income and grow your “fields”.
It is never too late to get out there and do some deals. But, if you are still afraid, then you need to join my FREE Facebook group of incredible ladies. I love these ladies, and can’t talk them up enough! You will not find a better, more determined group of ladies who are committed to exploding their personal real estate income. Seriously, your mind will be blown when you see what you could accomplish.
Every single one of us was once where you are. I get it. You are not alone, or weird, or anything else…but that also means we know how to get unstuck.
So, connect with people who can encourage and support you as you take the leap of faith into action. You will not regret it.
Hi, I would like to know how can I get rid of my fears to start my real estate business