If you are just getting started in real estate investing, then you likely also know what it is like to have naysayers and dream busters shooting down your ambitions and hopes. I wish I could say this is unusual, but sadly, it is not.
If you are at all familiar with my story, you know that when I first was getting started in real estate investing, my then-boyfriend had absolutely no confidence in me or my dreams.
So, I dumped his butt and went on to make $140,000 in the next 9 months. (Spoiler alert: we got back together and have been married several years now). I am very aware of how painfully deflating that negative energy can be when you are changing your life and building your dreams.
THIS is also why I know it is absolutely essential to have a solid support system with other ambitious and inspiring women when you are getting started in real estate investing.
Just a few weeks ago the annual She Buys It LIVE event was held in my stomping grounds: Knoxville, TN. It was AMAZING! Seriously, EPIC!
These ladies (and gents…we had several of those, too) are truly some incredible people. Their dreams are even greater than I had when I was just getting started in real estate investing.
And I was continually blown away by their victories, strength, and eagerness to grow and keep learning.
But, here’s the thing: they all know the importance of being surrounded by positive people who support and encourage them in their dreams. Let’s face it: that’s why they were there. They wanted to continue to learn more and grow in their understanding of investment strategies, as well as connect with each other. Their time created an invigorating space of ambition and belief.
If you have never been in a room filled with people who know for a fact how successful you can be with real estate investing, then you are missing out.
It is intoxicating. The energy is incredible. You leave with a surge of confidence and trust that your goals are reachable because those other people are already doing it!
Naysayers are a dime a dozen. What you need (what we all need) is to have support with others who can help lift you up and encourage you while you take massive action to make your dreams a reality.

Consider this also my official and unashamed PLUG for next year’s She Buys It LIVE event. You need to be there. The days you spend with us will be filled with education, fun, and plenty of time to get all of your big and little questions answered. It is a time of retreat and intense connection with other successful and just beginning real estate investors. There is nothing better.
No matter what you do, though, find your group. Get some support. Don’t let the naysayers and dream killers steal your hope and deter you from the path you are on. Press forward and do not be ashamed! YOU were meant to do great things. Go get ‘em!
Make sure you join our FB group where loads of other likeminded women are already connecting and revving each other on! We want to get to know you there, too! Get connected now!
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