Let’s say that you are out talking to a seller. They want to sell the house and you want to buy the house. But, how in the world do you make a verbal offer? That is what we are going to discuss today!
How to Make a Verbal Offer on the Spot!
When you know how to make a verbal offer you communicate to the seller that you are a serious house buyer. You are not just some joker with a sign saying “I buy houses” but then we don’t buy houses. No, ladies. WE actually buy houses.
I want you to make a verbal offer to show the seller that you are serious. You need to make a verbal offer so that you can start to negotiate the deal. Then, when you can move to actually buy the house.

I have never bought a house on paper, in real life, where I did not first make a verbal offer. I just opened my mouth and said, “I’ll give you this much.”
But, that is probably where you are a bit tripped up, right? How much is this much?
Most fix and flippers or wholesalers are going after that low, embarrassing-to-make offer, right? That’s not me! I mean, I do make the low-ball offer and sometimes I buy the house with a low-ball offer. But, I promise y’all that I am always SUPER embarrassed to make that low-ball offer.
But, I think that is important. If you aren’t at least a little embarrassed to make your low cash offer, it might not be low enough….
So, when you first make a verbal offer, you are going to give a low-ball cash offer.
That is offer #1. And, offer #3 is a high cash offer.
Remember ladies, when we buy these houses we buy with cash. That does not mean that we will buy with cash today…but I have never bought a house with monopoly money. You? And, I have never traded my best cow for a house….
So, we always use cash. Everyone does.
But sometimes, like in the case of our third offer, that cash will be paid out each month for many years. Still cash, just not all up front for the seller.
Offer #2 is going to fall somewhere between the lowball and high roller offers.
This is why it is critical to make a verbal offer. It takes practice!
You’ve got to open your mouth.
And, you’re a woman, so you are naturally gifted in this! Let me tell ya. We women can smell a good deal from a mile away. Now, you just need to get out there, make a verbal offer, and build the confidence to realize how awesome you are at this!
Want to Learn More About How to Make a Verbal Offer?
If you know you need to learn all the things about verbal offers, then you need to check out First Deal Done Fast. I teach every single step of this process and explode your mind with loads of amazing info for doing the numbers.
Yes, you will know exactly how to figure out what is appropriate for a lowball offer. And, yes, I will teach you how to figure out the other offer numbers, too. I teach it all.
You are a serious investor, so now is the time to make sure you know the things you need to in order to grow your bank account and your confidence with a TON of amazing deals. Check it out now at https://firstdealdonefast.com/
Yes, You Can Make a Verbal Offer!
I promise you can do this. You might feel a little uncomfortable at first, but the more you get out there and practice, the better you will be. Make sure you tell me all about how it goes for you, too! Join me in our Facebook group so you can share all of your wins, questions, and celebrations along the way!
Oh, and don’t miss out on my FREE Masterclass! I want to see you succeed, so be sure to check it out today!
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