During this season of family and togetherness, hold on tight to the mustard seed of faith. God will come through for your real estate dreams. You do your part and trust Him to do His.
I know how easy it is to get lost in the fear, especially when trials come. The thing is, though, that you need to hold onto faith and keep doing the work. One step at a time your dream will come together. Hold onto the mustard seed and keep planting.
This Thanksgiving Hold Onto the Mustard Seed of Faith
Back in 2014, my favorite bible verse was Matthew 17: 20. It says, “if you have the faith of a mustard seed you can tell this mountain to move from here to there.” That is the mustard seed verse. And it was the verse that I clung to when I was a new real estate investor.
I felt like I was totally winging it when I got started. If my mentor told me to do something I did it. But, I also did whatever I heard from a podcast or audiobook, etc. I tried anything and everything and just totally spun in circles. It was a mess.
I had a plan in place, but I did not have any structure or strategy to cling to. I knew that if I had just a teensy bit of faith that it was going to work out. And I trusted that God was going to handle the rest.
Now, just to be clear, I worked my tail off. I did not just sit on the couch and wait for God to work it all out. No.
I got to work and took massive action.
But it was the mustard seed of faith that kept me going. Each time I mailed out yellow letters, put out bandit signs or wore my button, I had faith. Every little action I took was another opportunity for me to hold onto that little bit of faith. It was another way to throw yet more seed for God to make grow.
My dreams were not just in my mind, but I lived them out to breathe them into life. Yes, there were struggles and I absolutely was tempted to quit. But, I clung to that mustard seed of faith and believed that God would make this thing grow.
And He did.
But I had to have faith during all of my valleys that every problem was a part of the process.
It took just that little mustard seed in me to believe that each issue was simply a learning curve on the way to being better. One little step at a time, my dream grew into reality.

So, in 2014 that was my favorite verse and since then the journey has absolutely not been some simple, straight, clean line to success. Every single year has brought its challenges and struggles. But, it is on me to cling to the faith, even when it feels microscopic.
I just know that every time I take action, talk to a seller, work the deal, negotiate the numbers, etc. that I am doing it in faith that God will work it all out.
Now I know that I do not need to do all of those things I used to do. Experience has been a great teacher!
All of those loops and twists taught me exactly what actions work and which ones have no point. That is the beauty of the struggle: it teaches so many lessons if you let it.
Yes, they were exhausting, but do you know what is cool about a mustard seed? They are teeny tiny little specks of almost dirt that can get blown around in the wind. But, if you plant them in the ground and water them, they will blossom to life!
That’s what seeds do. They need to get planted and watered in order to come to life.
And, that’s what we need to do every single day if we want to bear the fruit of a thriving real estate investing business. Every little step of faith where you take action and do the necessary work is another seed planted that God can make grow.
So, this Thanksgiving, hold onto your mustard seed of faith. Give thanks for what He is going to do as you commit to doing your part in the planting and watering. You know He’s good for it!
But, you have to hold onto the faith and be diligent to do the work needed for the results to come. Don’t stop simply as trusting God. That is only part of the equation.
You have to both trust Him AND do the work for the results to come.
Once you get into step with Him, even if difficult times come, you can be assured that eventually your business will grow and you will see the fruit.
Stand firm, work diligently, and keep the faith. God will make the seeds grow.
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