Everyone wants to know the secret to success, but is everyone really willing to do what it takes to find it?
As a multi-generational entrepreneurial family, I have seen firsthand what it takes to have awesome success in life. And my family did not just hand me a bunch of money and that was that. When I hit the end of my 20s, I knew that I wanted a business of my own and that’s what I set out to do.
Here I am years later and I have absolutely found the secret to success! Now I want to share it with you.
Do These 3 Things to Find the Secret to Success!
What does it take to find the secret to success? Simple. INVEST!!!
I am sure that might seem overly simplified, but hear me. Investing is the BEST way to achieve success, no matter HOW you define success. You need to invest in yourself, in your business, and in your future!
#1 Invest in Yourself
Earlier this year my sister-in-law had a baby and she is investing in herself by reading lots of books on babies and parenting, etc. That is the goal she has for herself, to be a great mom, so she is taking care of her baby and doing everything that she can to help her achieve that success. Other ladies I know want to make big money in real estate investing. So, they go to real estate conferences and invest in courses to build their knowledge to invest even better.
This is part of the secret to success! If you want to succeed in your goals, you have to start with yourself. You have to be fully devoted to your own personal growth so that you can be the right kind of person who is able to receive the reward of the success you want.
Lots of people are willing to invest time into their goals, but there is something magical that happens when you invest actual money. It’s like when you buy a new Louis Vuitton bag. You wear that thing and are super proud of it, and you use it for 20-30 years. That’s what an investment does. It gives you that boost and that knowledge; it raises you another level for 20-30 years.
There is nothing more critical than for you to continually grow yourself as a person.
Read great books that challenge and propel you further. Seek out amazing people who are further along the path you are on who can help give you tips and advice along the way. Invest in courses and classes that will help educate you on important skills and knowledge you need to achieve your goals.
Push yourself to lean into difficulties and trials to learn the many lessons they offer. Set more and higher goals for yourself, too. Just don’t stop!
#2 Invest in Your Business
While it is absolutely important to invest in yourself, it is equally as important to invest in your business. This is one secret to success that a LOT of people miss! So many of us want to just take the “win” from our business and cash it out into some kind of lifestyle that we want. But, what is MORE important is to re-invest back into the business even more.
It is great to invest in yourself and make sure that you grow. But when you pour into others, the community, your team, etc. you are really fulfilling the purpose that God has you here to do. It is not enough for just you to rise. You need to do your part to help others around you to rise with you. And a great way to do that is to invest back into your business.
One mentor of mine makes sure that as many people from his team as possible go to training events with him. That is how he helps them to grow. When they all learn these skills and get the training, then they can all be on the same page about how to grow the business even more! In a week or so I will be taking my girls on a virtual training event so that we will all learn a new skill.
Did it cost me some money? Yes. But, do I expect that I will see a great return on that investment? ABSOLUTELY!
If I invest back into my business by making the people I work with even better than I will absolutely see a benefit from that, and more importantly SO WILL THEY! This is the call of the Proverbs 31 woman, y’all. Not only does she inspect a field and buy it, but she also has work for other people to do, too. She spreads the wealth and gives opportunity to those around her. There is no selfishness and greed on her part. She wants everyone to prosper.
And that is why it is a secret to success. It is not a secret because no one should know about it, but because so few people will do it! There are so many ways to invest in your business, too. It might be by buying a house. Or it could be through hiring someone to help you with tasks.
Maybe it is signing up for a class and paying for your team to come, too. Heck, I used the money from one of my businesses to launch a whole new business as a trucking company! That is something my family has been doing for ages, and now I am in the business, too.
So, yes, invest in yourself, but absolutely make sure you invest in your business, too!
#3 Invest in Your Future
When I say to invest in your future, a lot of people kind of get stuck on the more short term thinking that is pretty immediate and visible. “I bought this house that I will fix up in a few months and flip to make a profit.” Sure, that is the future, but it is only in a few months. What I mean when I say to invest in your future is to think long-term.
What I mean is to invest in your legacy. This is generational investing. It is not short-sighted but something that casts a vision for what you want to build for the future to use and enjoy from a purchase that you make now. I am not talking about a few years down the road, either. We are talking about decades in the future. This is what you want to leave for not only your children, but your grand-children. THAT is how you build a legacy for generational wealth.

This is the final secret to success that almost NO ONE thinks about, sadly. If more people thought about decades down the road instead of weeks or months down the road the world would be a totally different place.
And that is what I want for you. I want you to think about the future. Yes, short-term goals definitely have a place, but do not overlook the importance of building a legacy and making long-term goals. What I want to see is you overlap your big picture, long-term goals into the trajectory and path that you are on with your short-term goals. Does that make sense?
Your long-term goals should drive the direction and choices you make for your short-term goals. Remember what I said about my new truckin’ company. Sure, I have only been truckin’ for two years “on the books” but really family has been trucking for almost a hundred years!
My great-grandfather started a dump truck company in 1939. His son, my grandfather took it over, and then my mother took it over from him. My family has been truckin’ for over 80 years, y’all. That’s over 80 years of business experience, stories, lessons, word of mouth, networking, and relationships made.
The Secret of Success is Not REALLY so Secret…
That is what I’m talking about. I want to see this for YOU. My family has always been into business. Everything that I do comes as naturally to me as the blood in my veins, because that’s the legacy that THEY prepared for me.
What legacy do YOU want to build for your grandchildren? Are you willing to do what it takes to make the secret of the success something lived and experienced in YOUR life?
Hello, Whitney Nicely I have heard a lot about you about your trucking company, when I was young I wanted to drive the Big Rig, My eyesight wouldn’t allow me to do that. I got interested in Real Estate. and I heard you are GREAT at Wholesaling houses that will be how I get into Real Estate, What would you do if you had to start over what would you do first to get started in Wholing Real Estate?
Thanks, WoodiejjrRoten@gmail.com