Women in real estate are a unique force, but one that far too few people understand. We live in a male-dominated world, which can lead many women to quiet their female voice. STOP! Don’t let your feminine energy be silenced, because it is absolutely your greatest strength.
Why Women in Real Estate Rock!
I was talking to one of my PLUS ladies the other day about the importance of women in real estate. You see, we women lead with our feminine. This means that we bring a lot of unique things to the real estate world that would otherwise not be there. For instance, women in real estate like to work a deal so that everyone wins, to bring a gift to the closing table, work to develop a relationship with the seller, and, honestly, a “gut reaction” about things.
That is your feminine and it is fierce!
Women in real estate must bring this energy in and in fact, men benefit when they tap into their feminine energy, too. I mean, let’s be real. Who wants to talk only about facts and numbers without bringing in the story and emotions alongside? Sellers want to know that you are a person, not just an investor. This is the greatest reason why women in real estate ROCK!
Most of the real estate world is driven by masculine energy. So, there is so much talk about ROI (return on investment), how many yellow letters did you send, how many offers did you make, etc. But, let me tell you something: more deals get done based on the relationship that is established than the numbers and paperwork.
If you feel good with the seller and if the seller feels good with you, then this is going to be a home run.
Maybe you’ll make three thousand dollars or thirty thousand dollars, which feeds into the masculine energy. But, how you feel, what you learn, and what you grow through in order to get the deal done feeds the feminine side.
This is the power of women in real estate. We lead with the feminine.
When we lead with the masculine – gotta get it done, gotta hit the numbers, gotta do the deals – and we shut down the feminine side, it all starts to break. Ever notice that? It is essential for women in real estate to embrace that “fun and flirty” part of ourselves and recognize the incredible power it brings to our success journey.
If I spend too much time with my husband, my masculine comes out so much more. He is so alpha and masculine. But, I would rather get a root canal than talk to him about business. We just do things completely differently. My business explodes when I have fun, lead with my feminine energy, and still get the deals done.
It is not a sexual “flirty” that I’m talking about, but rather when you enjoy the process. When you focus on the art of making a deal, rather than the science of it all.
That is the greatest blessing of women in real estate. We bring the soul of it all to life!
The masculine side is important as well, but we need to definitely make sure to understand how valuable the feminine side is, especially in real estate investing!
I believe that when you lead with your feminine as a real estate investor that you will grow this thing so much more easily. The relationships you establish will continue to grow and foster more and better relationships that only help you expand.

Some women who live in the masculine-driven world forget how to re-connect with their feminine energy. They are so used to being a “ball bustin’ bitch” who leads with an energy that says they are going to climb to the top of the ladder come hell or high water. That is not what I want for you.
You don’t have to become that kind of woman. I want you to become the real you, all of you, because women in real estate are powerful!
The balance of ALL that you bring is what is going to make you the most successful.
I want you to be you, because YOU are freakin’ beautiful and brilliant! Your seller wants to negotiate with a real person, too. They want to know that you are a human, flawed and imperfect, rather than some numbers-driven robot. That is not how people work.
If you are not making an impact or getting anywhere with sellers, I want you to do a gut check. Have you stifled your feminine and focused too heavily on all the “things” to do?
It happens. But, you need to recognize when it happens; when you stop having fun and things become drudgery. That is when you need to change it up, reconnect, and lean into your feminine side.
Y’all, people like people. Your seller wants to connect with you, so bring out that sassy, fun self and let them get to know you.
As women in real estate, we need to bring our feminine gifts so that we can truly bless the world!
There is nothing about being a woman that needs to be hidden, but instead, set it out for everyone to see. Let your feminine side lead your deals and I can almost guarantee you will see a world of difference! Women in real estate are fierce and brilliant. So, let your brilliance shine!
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