So many people want to know the best way to invest in real estate, but often they miss the one thing that matters most. Real estate is not a genie in a bottle. And there is no one-size-fits-all. In my experience, I have met SO many investors who do lots of different kinds of deals successfully.
I have my favorite method for doing real estate deals, of course, but the best way to invest in real estate is not as cut and dry as people like to think.
What is the Best Way to Invest in Real Estate?
Here’s the deal: the best way to invest in real estate is whatever way works for you and gets you doing deals!
Whether that is lease options (like I do and teach), wholesaling, flipping houses, or whatever, the point is to get out there and MAKE THOSE DEALS. So many women I talk to sit on the fence with all kinds of hopes and dreams, but they fail to take action.
Then, after you take the first step to find a deal and make a verbal offer, get that deal in writing! SIGN THE CONTRACT! If you do not get a contract you will have nothing to submit to the closing company. Do the work.
I’ve had deals where I got the contract signed on Friday and had $5000 in my hands by Monday.
In fact, this has happened two or three times! THAT is the best way to invest in real estate for me! I don’t know about you, but whatever actually brings home the money is best.
This is not always how things work, though. Most of the time it takes about 30-45 days to close a deal, and it could take even longer, too. This is why it is so important to make sure you are out there to find the deals and make the offers.
Not every property you touch is going to become a deal.
So, you need to constantly be on the lookout for new opportunities to make sure you have stuff in the pipeline. And that is where all of those little steps come into play.
This is why I teach you how to take those small steps to keep your pipeline moving. Are you wearing your button? How many yellow letters have you sent out this month?
Look, I know it is awkward and uncomfortable to put yourself out there on Facebook and other social media sites. But, do it anyway! I have not always been where I am, either. But, I did not get here by staying quiet or by holding back. It took work for me to break through that fear mindset, too, and to talk about real estate. Yes, people thought I was crazy!
But, guess what? You better believe it got easier when I shared “WOOHOOO!!!!!! I just got this deal! YAYYYY!!!!”
The best way to get through the awkward stage is to do the work and make the deals.
People want to be involved in your success. They may not want to become an investor, too, but they want you to be successful. How fun is it for them to say “I knew her when” or “I sent her that lead”? The people close to you are gunning for your success, even if they don’t want to jump in with you.
The best way to invest in real estate is to keep going. Don’t give up. Keep taking action and doing the work. Believe me, I know how hard it is to get a ton of “no” answers or hit hard walls but stick with it.
It takes time to prove to others that you are serious about this. When you see a deal through to closing, you show people you are serious. And, you will need to do this 10, 15, 20 times to really make it sink in. Your parents, friends, husband, everyone want to see that you are really committed to this thing. Are you?
That is why I call these my “shut up checks.” When you close a deal, anyone who doubted that you were serious shuts up. Do you want to prove yourself? Close a deal. Get that shut up check.
There are plenty of people who talk all about investing, but not everyone gets a deal to close.
It takes persistence, determination, stubbornness, and brass ovaries. Not everyone has these. But, if I can get my deals to close, so can you. I have had SO many of my ladies get their deals closed, so I know you can do it too.
And this is why you have to regularly do the little things. When you go to the REIA meetings or send out yellow letters, or go driving for dollars, it is like a farmer who plants seeds. Do you really think that a farmer plants only one seed if they want to grow a harvest? NO! That farmer is setting up a backup plan to make SURE they get what they need to grow.
In the same way, you need to get LOTS of deals going and being found in order to make sure you hit your financial goals. It takes diligence and perseverance. You cannot just do this in tiny amounts and assume you will get everything NOW. That is not how this works.
Think about the Proverbs 31 woman. “She goes to inspect a field and she buys it, and with her earnings, she plants a vineyard.” This woman knows that she will not have wine tomorrow. She knows she needs to plant a lot of vines for the amount of wine she wants in the end.
Every deal you find is a seed. Some do not grow or pan out.
Other seeds seem to take forever to grow because this issue comes up and then that issue. But, if you plant enough seeds, the harvest will come. And, if you are diligent to nurture and take care of your plants (properties), there will be fruit (money) eventually!

There may not be one way to invest but the best way to invest in real estate is the one that brings the harvest.
Y’all gotta get out there and plant lots and lots of seeds so you can get to lots of contracts and go to lots of closings. You will never get to closing if you do not get a contract signed. If you do not talk to sellers on the phone, you will never get a contract signed. And, if you do not send out your yellow letters, you will not have sellers to talk to. These are all the seeds that you need to “plant” to get a successful harvest.
This is why the ladies of the She Buys It community are amazing. Make sure you join the FREE Facebook group to stay connected and plug into people who are doing the work, too!
You need to do the work. All of this work will teach you what works for you. Not every step you take and choice you make is going to be a good fit for you. But the more you do it and the more work you do, you will find your best fit!
This is how you find the best way to invest in real estate for YOU.
Yes, it will take time and be hard work, but the pay off is SO worth it in the end if you stick with it. The slower you do the work, the slower the pay off will come. But, the more deals you get moving at a time, the faster the snowball of money will be! See how that works. Move slowly, earn slowly. Move fast, earn fast.
Remember, it takes time for deals to come through, so the sooner you get to work and take action, the sooner you will get those checks and make the money, honey. Don’t play it small and let fear stop you from doing the things you need to do.
Step into action NOW to find YOUR best way to make money in real estate. You’ll never regret the actions you take if you learn from them and use them to move forward. Regrets are for the things you never do.
Will this be the thing you regret, or not? You decide.
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