When I first got started as a real estate investor, I was terrified of going to my local real estate investment group. I felt alone since I did not know a single person, but that quickly passed. Now, of course, I am the president of my local REIA and I can confidently say how important these groups are for investors.
The #1 Reason to Join a Real Estate Investment Group…
Even after years of experience as an investor, I still get nervous walking into a real estate investment group if I do not know anyone there. It is normal, so don’t think that there is something wrong with you if you get that, too. But, also don’t let it hold you back! Those nervous jitters just come with the territory.
The thing is you need to find some real estate investing friends. While I have talked to a lady here and there whose local real estate investment group is dull and boring, most are close to some really active and fun groups. Sometimes it might even just be a generic meetup of real estate investing nerds who love the topic. The group gives them a safe place to chat it up without having to feel bad about it. Woohoo!!
This is what we all need! We need to have friends who just “get it.”
They understand our dreams and our goals. There is no assault of negativity from them, but simply they just see the vision and support us. It is seriously one of the best parts of the journey!
I sat down at lunch with some of my real estate investing friends the other day and we all agreed how great it was. We speak the same language and have the same goals. When we talk we aren’t just mentally battling each other with completely opposing views on things.
Instead, we challenge each other and help offer ideas and different viewpoints that help us all to grow even more. It is awesome.
Recently I had two calls with some ladies who actually needed to vent about some frustrating talk they had had. In these talks the ladies seemed to feel threatened by each other or at least had some level of unhealthy competition going on. Y’all, that sucks. There is no room for that kind of crap in our world.
Ladies, when we help women to grow, we help all women. When all women come together to help all women, we ALL grow.
It makes no sense to compete with each other or treat investing like it is some turf war. Instead we need to be grown ups about it. It’s not like “oh, you buy here, so I’m not going to invade your territory.” No! I’m going to do this deal on one side of the street and you can feel free to do one on the other side of the street! There’s plenty to go around.

I mean, my mom was the first lady I experienced as a real estate investor. We surely are not competing with each other. So, my very first go was seeing a woman out there investing and knowing that I could go do my deals, too.
The fact is that different sellers have different problems. So, different investors solve these in different ways. That is the beauty of variety.
It is also the reason why it is SO helpful to connect with other lady investors at real estate investment groups. When we can each give our perspectives, solutions, and best help to each other we all grow.
Here’s the other thing to remember: real life down-to-earth investing friends help to keep your activity in check.
I think this is one of the big pet peeves I have with the “gurus” out there. They seriously want to just load you up with SOOOOO many things that you just “have” to do. Y’all, keep it simple! As women, you know you already have a ton on your plate. Let’s not make real estate investing more complicated than it needs to be.
What do you need? You need sellers. Once you have sellers, then you need to start growing the other areas of business. Until you have sellers, there is not much you can do to set up an accountant or lawyer or anything like that. You need to have something to talk about when you call these people. So, don’t rush that process.
You don’t even need a website to get started! Seriously, y’all.
Sure, it is a tool and can be helpful down the road, but it is not necessary to get started as a real estate investor. Spend your time talking to sellers and making offers. That is what is going to grow your business.
So, you need sellers and you need real estate friends. I know you already have those voices in your head that shout doubt and “what ifs.” You do NOT need them in the people around you, too! The people around you need to be the ones saying “yeah, girl, you can do that!”
You don’t need friends who are going to tell you that you are crazy and this is not going to work. Go find your real estate friends. Check out your local real estate investment group definitely. But, you might also find some online groups, or people in your church!
You never know where you might find these friends, but get serious about finding them no matter what.
If you want to join our FREE online group to connect with likeminded real estate investing friends, you are more than welcome. Check it out here.
And then we also have our First Deal Done Fast Flock which is full of some serious go-getters who are growing their income all around the country. This group is not right for everyone. It is for those who are ready to invest in their education, accountability, and growth. So, if that is you, awesome. You can check that out here.
Either way, wherever you are in your investing journey, get serious about finding some good real estate investing friends. You will thank me for it, for sure. We all need support as we go on this journey, so make sure you surround yourself with good people along your way.
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